

2010年5月13日 星期四

Charity Promotion : the cyrenians

The Cyrenians is a charity organization who mainly help the local homeless in uk. Selling second-hand stuff is a way to increase the donation. At this promotion, I help them to create a character that can represent the cyrenians to attract more audience - children and their parents to donate more unwanted stuff. This character is inspire by the sun shape from their logo. Also, I apply their logo colours red, blue and white in the character.

Character and poster

Shopping bag and T-shirt

Drop box


2010年5月4日 星期二

T h e a t r e P o s t e r s : S h a k e s p e a r e

An young playlist group want to play some historical classic stories in a contemporary way. 2 comedy and 2 tragedy. Here are the poster that design for them. The box means the stage and the story. It is varied and diverse. Comedy poster use bright background and tragedy posters use darker background.